The annual meeting of the ICCM Board members took place on 28 February 2017, at the “House of Culture – Boris Christov”, in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The ICCM board was invited by the Municipality of Plovdiv and the Balkan Heritage Foundation to undertake its annual meeting at Plovdiv and to participate at the Symposium that was co-organised by the Municipality of Plovdiv and the Balkan Heritage Foundation on 2 March 2017.
The Scientific Committee of the 13th ICCM conference met in Rome 2 days earlier on the 26th February, 2017.

The ICCM Board meeting took place at the Cultural Centre thanks to the warm hospitality of the Municipality of Plovdiv
A. Board members
- Aicha Ben Abed
- Evelyne Chantriaux
- Stefania Chlouveraki
- Roberto Nardi
- John Stewart
- Jeanne Marie Teutonico
B. Ex-officio members
Gaël de Guichen
C. Observers
Monserrat Puges, Responsible for the Conservation, Department of Archaeological Heritage of Barcelona

1st of March, the city of Plovdiv is celebrating the first day of the spring
- Approval of the agenda
- Acceptance of the Observer
- Approval of the minutes of the Board Meeting 2, (22 January 2016)
- 2016 Financial report / 2017 Provisional budget
- Getty grants
- Fundraising campaigns
- Official acceptance and registration of the ICCM Foundation statutes
- Publication of proceedings of the 11th Conference, Morocco 2011.
- Publication of proceedings of the 12th Conference, Alghero 2014
- 13th ICCM Conference in Barcelona
- Program and selection of papers
- The new ICCM website
- Online payment system
- The ICCM Facebook page
- ICC Mailing List
- Newsletter
- Candidatures for the 14th ICCM Conference
- Other issues
Monserrat Puges, Responsible for Conservation at the Department of Archaeological Heritage of Barcelona, informed the board about the progress of the Barcelona Conference. Thanks to the efficiency of her team, great progress has been made and the conference is expected to offer a very interesting program.
The publication of the proceedings of the last two conferences, is also in its final stage and the volumes of Meknes and Alghero should be available before the Barcelona Conference.
Online subscription to the conference is now available on the Barcelona conference page at the ICCM website.
Members of ICCM who are registered in the ICCM mailing list will be receiving notifications on news and announcements related to the conference in their mailbox. All news and announcements will also be posted at the ICCM website and the Facebook page.
ICCM invites and encourages all its members and friends to post articles on their work in the ICCM Blog spot and the Newsletter of ICCM and to use the ICCM website as a platform for communication amongst mosaic conservation professionals. In order to achieve that ICCM invites young professionals to become the correspondents of the ICCM Blog spot and Newsletter in their country or region. Those who are interested can contact ICCM at the following address: [email protected].
The board members closed the meeting, expressing their gratitude to Maria Mata for organizing the ICCM Archive at ICCROM.
Further, the board expressed their appreciation and gratitude to the Mayor and the Municipality of Plovdiv as well as to the Balkan Heritage Foundation for their warm and generous hospitality. The ICCM has also explored the candidature of Plovdiv to host the next ICCM Conference in 2020.

The ICCM board members visiting the highlights of the city

Visiting the ‘Small Basilica”

At the ‘Small Basilica’

Visiting the mosaic conservation workshop in Plovdiv

Dinner offered by the Mayor of Plovdiv

Visiting historical houses in the old city of Plovdiv

Mosaic conservation workshop in Plovdiv

Traditional music and dance at the ‘Home of Culture’, Plovdiv

ICCM Board with the organizers of the Symposium at Plovdiv