The 8th International Conference was organized at Thessaloniki in the autumn of 2002, thanks to Greek Board-member Charalambos Bakirtzis. The theme was “Wall and Floor Mosaics: Conservation, Maintenance, Presentation”, and, for the first time, conservation issues relating to wall mosaics were brought well into the picture. Another four recommendations / resolutions were unanimously approved at the end of the conference, and a new Board was elected. The proceedings of the conference have been published as: Εντοίχια και Επιδαπέδια Ψηφιδωτά: Συντήρηση, Διατήρηση, Παρουσίαση/ Wall and Floor mosaics: Conservation, Maintenance, Presentation.
A review of the Proceedings of the 8th ICCM Conference was published in has been published by John Stewart in Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites (CMA) vol. 8, 2007, pp. 112-16.